the month past- the year is over
WOW, I am really impressed how fast the year past by.
Today is my birthday and that makes it a really special day- 22 on the 22sd.
Like you see my Blog was death for the last couple of month. Not that there was nothing to write there was a lot…. it was just hard to figure out where to start and how to contine. Somehow it made more sense to spend the time with the people here. The people who became the center of my life.
I guess this is what it is all about- the success of living and working in another country is primarily embossed by the people we meet and the people we spend time with.
I had a really different day compared with how i would celebrate at home.
Still, now the kiddows are running through the house, excited and thrilled… and even if the feeling is different i feel ok and happy.
The most amazing thing is though that my facebook account is not ending massages from all over the world.
People who mean the world to me called, texted and posted there greetings.Family, old friends, new friends… and a whole bunch of people i havn`t seen in forever.
This is the wonderful thing at a birthday, people who you never expect contact you to show that at some point in your life your ways crossed and they think about you.
In a week i leave chicago.-Heading to Seattle and down the west cost
I am sure I will miss John, Melissa and the Kiddos, who became a big part of my life, terribly. But I also know that I can`t wait to see my family and friends, who showed me especially today how special they are to me.
Thank YOU so much!